Income Release details

  • Flexible retirement options

  • Drawdown tools and services

  • Investment solutions designed for drawdown

  • Award-winning service

  • Defaqto 5 Star rated

What you need to know

  • Available to clients aged 55 and above (57 from 6 April 2028)
  • Your client can move seamlessly into Income Release from within their Pension Portfolio plan. If you have workplace clients, they can transfer into Pension Portfolio to access Income Release
  • We offer investment options tailored specifically for the needs of drawdown clients, including our Governed Retirement Income Portfolios (GRIPs)
  • When your clients are ready, they can enjoy a range of income options to suit their changing tax and income needs
  • With no additional charge for accessing pension savings, Income Release offers your clients value for money.

Download our Pension Portfolio guide (PDF)

Our view on income sustainability

One of the most important conversations you'll have with clients is how to sustain their desired level of income when they retire. Here's our view.

Retirement and lifestyle planner

Your prospects and clients can use this service to learn more about their retirement options, while giving you valuable insights into where they could benefit from your support. Get a customised version of the service for your firm to deploy free of charge.

Service and support