Personal pensions enquiries form

Use this form to make enquiries about personal pensions.

This form is intended for personal pensions enquiries. Please visit our contact pensions page for more ways to get in touch.

You may also be interested in our online service help and support page for answers about online service, including how to reset passwords.

Personal information collected on this form will be used to administer your request. To understand how we use your information you can read the privacy policy (opens in new window).

* Indicates a required field

1. How can we help?

2. Your details

3. Client details

4. Your enquiry

To help us investigate your enquiry, please give us as much information as you can.

You can select more than one file at the same time. You can upload a maximum of 10MB at once, regardless of the number of files.

5. Declaration

I confirm that:

  • I'm authorised by my client to submit this enquiry and supporting documentation to you, via this medium, on their behalf; and
  • I've read and agree with the privacy policy (opens in a new window).

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