Our Children's Critical Illness Cover can provide financial support to help your clients meet any extra costs so they can focus on caring for their children.

When your clients take out Critical Illness Cover with us they can choose to add Enhanced Children’s Critical Illness or Standard Children’s Critical Illness Cover, depending on their circumstances so they're not paying for a benefit they don't need.

Benefits of our Children’s Critical Illness Cover

  • Flexible 

    Your clients can choose to add Enhanced or Standard Children's Critical Illness Cover, or they can leave it off entirely if they don't have or don't plan on having children so they're not paying for a benefit they don't need.

  • Comprehensive

    For Standard Children’s Critical Illness Cover, children are covered for the main conditions available on our Critical Illness Cover, plus Total Permanent Disability. For Enhanced Children’s Critical Illness Cover, they’ll be covered for the main conditions, plus additional conditions, pregnancy-related conditions and child-specific conditions. 

  • Children's Critical Illness Cover Conversion option

    With our Enhanced Children’s Critical Illness Cover, we automatically include a Children’s Critical Illness Cover Conversion Option. This means that within six months of the children’s cover ending, the child can take out their own Critical illness Cover without any medical underwriting. This is for the same amount as they were covered for on their parent’s plan, up to a maximum amount of £50,000. This option isn’t available if we’ve already paid a critical illness claim for the child.

  • Adaptable 

    If your clients’ needs change in the future they can add or remove Children’s Critical Illness Cover at any time, without giving us any medical information.

  • Reassuring 

    Your clients’ main Critical Illness Cover won’t be affected by any children’s claims we pay out, so if you make a claim on Children’s Critical Illness Cover, your main Critical Illness Cover will remain in place. 

  • Personal support

    Our Helping Hand service gives your clients, and their partner and children, access to a dedicated nurse who can support them through serious illness, injury or bereavement. It's available from the day their plan starts and they don't need to pay anything extra to use it. 

Product details

Find out more information about the options and features of our Children's Critical Illness Cover, plan details and terms and conditions.

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