Ulcerative colitis
Here you'll find our current definition of the critical illness, additional condition or child specific condition we cover. We've also listed any previous definitions we may have had. With each new definition we've highlighted what's changed from the previous definition.
Current definition
December 2023
The separate definition of Ulcerative colitis was removed in December 2023 as this condition is now included under the new definition: Severe bowel disease.
Change from the previous definition
This definition has been removed.
Previous definitions
March 2020
Ulcerative colitis - treated with total colectomy
A definite diagnosis of ulcerative colitis confirmed by a consultant gastroenterologist which results in the undergoing of, or incusion on the NHS waiting list for, surgery to remove the entire colon (large bowel).
Changes from the previous definition
We've added advanced surgery benefit so that we now pay out on inclusion on NHS surgery wait list.
October 2017
Ulcerative colitis - treated with total colectomy
A definite diagnosis of ulcerative colitis confirmed by a consultant gastroenterologist which has been treated by removal of the entire colon (large bowel).