Pituitary gland tumour

Here you'll find our current definition of the critical illness, additional condition or child specific condition we cover. We've also listed any previous definitions we may have had. With each new definition we've highlighted what's changed from the previous definition.

Current definition

December 2023 (ACC)

Pituitary gland tumour - with specified treatment

Diagnosis of a pituitary tumour requiring radiotherapy or surgical removal.

The following is not covered:

  • tumours of the pituitary gland treated by other methods.

Changes from previous definition

We've removed the term 'non-malignant' from the definition due to a reclassification of pituitary adenomas as malignant.

Previous definitions

Pituitary gland tumour – with specified treatment

Diagnosis of a non-malignant pituitary tumour requiring radiotherapy or surgical removal.

The following is not covered:

  • non-malignant tumours of the pituitary gland treated by other methods.