Liver failure

Here you'll find our current definition of the critical illness, additional condition or child specific condition we cover. We've also listed any previous definitions we may have had. With each new definition we've highlighted what's changed from the previous definition.

Current definition

March 2020

Liver failure - irreversible

A definite diagnosis, by a consultant physician, of irreversible end stage liver failure due to cirrhosis resulting in all of the following:

  • permanent jaundice;
  • ascites; and
  • encephalopathy.

Change from the previous definition

We've removed the drug and alcohol exclusion.

Previous definitions

Liver failure - irreversible

A definite diagnosis, by a consultant physician, of irreversible end stage liver failure due to cirrhosis resulting in all of the following:

  • permanent jaundice;
  • ascites; and
  • encephalopathy.

For the above definition, the following is not covered:

  • liver failure secondary to alcohol or drug abuse.