Less severe Cardiomyopathy
Here you'll find our current definition of the critical illness, additional condition or child specific condition we cover. We've also listed any previous definitions we may have had. With each new definition we've highlighted what's changed from the previous definition.
Current definition
March 2022 (ACC)
Less severe Cardiomyopathy
A definite diagnosis by a consultant cardiologist of cardiomyopathy.
The disease must result in the following: left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) of more than 39% and less than 50%, measured twice at an interval of at least 3 months by an MRI scan or a definitive diagnosis of HCM confirmed on echocardiography or cardiac MRI
For the above definition the following are not covered:
- all other forms of heart disease, heart enlargement and myocarditis.
Previous definitions
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