Annual allowance and money purchase annual allowance

The annual allowance is the maximum amount of pension savings an individual can make each year without an annual allowance charge applying. This includes pension contributions made by the individual, their employer, a company or a 3rd party.

Since 6 April 2015 there has been an additional annual allowance called the money purchase annual allowance. This is normally triggered by taking income from a flexi-access drawdown plan or taking an uncrystallised funds pension lump sum.  However, other actions can trigger it.


Tax year Annual allowance Money purchase
annual allowance
2025/2026 £60,000 £10,000
2024/2025 £60,000 £10,000
2023/2024 £60,000 £10,000
2022/2023 £40,000 £4,000
2021/2022 £40,000 £4,000
2020/2021 £40,000 £4,000
2019/2020 £40,000 £4,000
2018/2019 £40,000 £4,000
2017/2018 £40,000 £4,000
2016/2017 £40,000 £10,000
2015/2016 £40,000 £10,000
2014/2015 £40,000  
2013/2014 £50,000  
2012/2013  £50,000  
2011/2012 £50,000  
2010/2011 £255,000  
2009/2010 £245,000  
2008/2009 £235,000  
2007/2008 £225,000  
2006/2007 £215,000  



The information provided is based on our current understanding of the relevant legislation and regulations and may be subject to alteration as a result of changes in legislation or practice. Also it may not reflect the options available under a specific product which may not be as wide as legislations and regulations allow.

All references to taxation are based on our understanding of current taxation law and practice and may be affected by future changes in legislation and the individual circumstances of the investor.